About us

The Barefoot family live an easy, relaxed life together playing, pottering and doing whatever feels right at the time!

Monday, 13 February 2012

A test of my commitment

We spent January working on our plans for 2012 together. This may sound a long time but together with finishing off the unfinished business from 2011, completing my Goddess Guidebook workbook for the year and starting the Simply Abundance daybook a month is about right really. I call it my transition month. I was so determined not to carry certain things over into the new year but was as usual being a tad unrealistic about how long some things take and how much time I actually have in my day to do 'stuff'.

One of the little things we had both said we wanted to do this year was to only buy handmade presents for people. Be it a birthday or celebration, for a child or grown up, after a third slightly unfulfilled Christmas behind us we both felt that if we were to feel joyous in giving gifts that the value and brand would be less important than the time spent thinking, planning, picking or even...possibly..making it. For two un-talented un-crafty people this is no small task!

This week was our first real test. Two of Newt's friends sent us invites to come to their birthdays this week (er...ok probably shouldn't have been a surprise but Im still not that organised yet). Faced with the short notice of finding & ordering something suitable in time we had to think about....gulp...making something and then a slight bit of rule bending with purchasing something that was for them to make something with. Surely that works right?

I'm most pleased that Newt's patience held out (and mine too) to create a little strawberry handbag we made together from one of those kits for the first of her special little friends. Tomorrow we are going to get a little something from town to put in it or with it. It might not seem much in the big scheme of the whirling world but to both of us it was a little achievement and we all know its the little things that make the big world whirl isn't it?